Sunday, July 27, 2008

Going everywhere!!

So here we are, about one month after this crawling adventure began and Noah is into EVERYTHING!!!! Bri and I love watching him try to figure out where he is going to go next. It is hilarious to see something catch his eye and before I can even think "he is going after that", he is gone! We still don't have doors on the TV stand, so at this point that is his favorite place to travel to. Nothing like banging on a receiver that is all lit up.

Tooth number 5 just cut the gum earlier this week. He is going to have a mouthful soon. And along with those teeth come the occasional bite to the arm, leg or anything else that looks tasty. He has learned quickly not to bite when he is being Brian put it "don't bite the boob that feeds you" HA!

Our little man is sleeping much better these days. WOO HOO to that!!!!!! I didn't think I would ever see a stretch of sleep longer than 3 hours again. We are still working some kinks out and as always, afraid of how Noah may decide to change his sleep pattern, but things are going great right now. Still just likes to catnap, but that is fine by me.

Hondo is loving Noah more and more each day. Of course, it helps that Noah is eating normal finger foods now and loves to share. Hondo has even walked right up to Noah and taken a graham cracke from his hand. N. Bear looked a little confused, but didn't complain about it one bit, just smiled and laughed at Hondo. Bryce and Buster have their moments when they enjoy Noah's company, Buster more than Bryce. Noah loves it when their tails swing across his face.

Noah sharing toast with Hondo...well Hondo waiting at least.

Noah with cousin Sammy.

One of my latest favorite pics of my baby boy.