Monday, September 15, 2008

Where has time gone?

ACK! It has been nearly a month. Not sure where time went, but apparently I've been busy and haven't had a chance to update.

Me, well, I am learning to knit! Everyone, expect a scarf for Christmas, maybe a hat. HA! I am also busy trying to plan a party for our little man, all while crying because a year has almost passed. sigh

Bri, busy with work as normal and loving every minute of it.

Noah, the one we are all here for, has taken steps! Ok, lets not get too excited like I want to, he is just taking like one step, maybe two and then falling. But, he is learning and he'll be there soon. Then I will not know what sitting down is unless Noah is sleeping. He already keeps me going while on 4's, I can't imagine how fast he'll be on 2.
Tooth number 7 also finally cut the gum, after sitting there for what seemed like forever. That one gave Noah a bit of a hard time.

OK, now I am back to try and finish this post. I started it 2 days ago, didn't get a chance to finish and then had a sick little man. Poor Noah has hand, foot and mouth and feels awful. He has little interest in food and just wants Mommy. I'm getting plenty of cuddle time this week.

And now, Bri has Poison Ivy. It is quite the uncomfortable week at our house. So far, I am in the clear, but I am a bit nervous about what may pop up.

Please keep our little man in your thoughts, he needs them this week.

Our attempt to get our 11 month basket pictures. Didn't go so well.