Saturday, November 15, 2008

Holy cow, where has the time gone? Sorry it has been so long since I've updated. I've been a little busy chasing Noah around the house and trying to keep busy while we are done one member of the house.

Brian is going to be in for a shock when he gets home. Noah is practically running around the house, saying much more and has just changed so much. I need to remember not to yell at Hondo. If Hondo starts barking, Noah will yell at him, repeating my bad habits. OOPS, big time!! He loves to say "dooo" and "doo doo". The second of which, I am not sure if it is supposed to be "dog dog" or Hondo. Either way, I love it. Oh and he refers to Bryce and Buster as dogs too. HA HA

I am actually getting somewhere with my knitting now. I am *almost* finished with the pair of pants I started with. I keep stopping them to work on other projects in between. I must be getting tired of looking at the same yarn.

Hard to believe Thanksgiving is right around the corner. We'll be enjoying the holiday in MD with Brian's family. It will be nice having Noah actually be able to participate in the day this year. Last year, he slept in his swing while Brian and I ate....we didn't want him to be, but at that point, didn't want to wake our 6 week old baby either.

Hope everyone is doing well! Much love from us all!

First ride forward facing

Playing with Sammy in the toy basket