Tuesday, February 3, 2009

We're still here!

Yes, I've been a bit of a slacker for the last month and some change....ok, maybe a little longer than that.
Here I am ready to update, it might be a short one though, I am trying to speed through it while Noah is napping. Poor guy is not feeling well and is keeping me a bit busy this week. I just want to take all his hurt away.
So what has happened over the last month? Well, Noah is getting faster, decided he didn't like the gate between the dining room and kitchen, so he got rid of it (story to follow), Brian has been here, there and everywhere, I have gotten faster at knitting and I am actually in the middle of finally making something for myself! I think that is a pretty good basic idea of what is going on.

The gate. Noah liked to kind of hang on the gate and play. We knew it would be a matter of time before it would fall. Well, last week Noah and Gate decided they had enough of each other and Gate fell on Noah. Poor guy, it was a rough one. And I felt terrible since I was in the middle of cooking and missed what was going on until I heard the crash. Noah seems much happier now that it is gone. He has an extra 10 feet to run and well, lets be honest, that is a lot in this house. So far he is pretty good at staying out of the dog and cat food, so as long as he keeps that up, we might just remain gateless.

One morning last week, Noah did the sweetest thing when he woke up. I was rocking him and we were getting our cuddle time in before his feet hit the floor and he was running for the day. I asked him for a Good Morning kiss and he kissed me and then pat my head. I always pat his head and push his hair back after I kiss him. It was so sweet. I had to put it in the baby book, I can't forget these sweet moments.

we had a beautiful day yesterday, so we walked to the park and played for a bit. I'm glad we went, because today it is in the 30s and is overcast and a bit rainy outside. What a change, 60s one day, 30s the next. And I wonder why Noah is sick....

Hope everyone is doing well. Please send up a prayer for me Memaw and Brian's Grandma.