Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hello, Larkin's, are you there?

Yes, yes we are. I'm just being a very bad blogger. I keep thinking about updating, but then my short attention span is onto something new. So here I am, feeling very guilty and ready to update everyone with the happenings of the past 2 months.

Can you believe Noah is just a little over a week from being 18 months old? Holy cow! My little Bear is 18 months old. He is the perfect example of a toddler, getting into everything, learning something new and fascinating every day and keeping Bri and I on our toes. Every day we have something new to laugh at. Tonight, it was Noah attempting to pull his diaper off while Bri was cooking, but all he really did was give himself a nice little plumber's crack. Classic.

Hondo is his constant jungle gym. Noah uses him as a step stool to jump onto the couch and chairs. Hondo doesn't mind at all and when he is done playing with Noah, he just walks away. Good pooch loves him some Noah. Now, the cats on the other hand are not huge fans of Noah. The run at the site of him. Maybe because Noah thinks they are awesome pillows.

I've been on a knitting break for the past few weeks and a reading binge. I started reading the Twilight Saga and I was not able to put the books down until I read all four. I know they are meant for teenagers, but I really loved them and I think everyone should read them. Adult, teen, whatever. So, here is my PSA....if you haven't read Twilight, go out and get it. You'll love it :-) Now maybe I can pick my knitting back up. Of course, only for a short time until I am ready to read the saga a few weeks. Told you, addicted!

I would like to thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers from Grandma Larkin. She lived a long life and was blessed to have 4 strong sons, 6 grandsons and 2 great-grandchildren. We all have our special fond memories to carry with us.

I do promise that I will update sooner. I have to, since I'm not adding any pictures to this post.