Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How time flies

Hi Ladies and Gents!

I am really trying to keep up with this more, but I keep slacking. BOO! Not always as easy with a toddler that loves to run and hates to nap.

Everything around here is going great. We had the excitement of having new sliding doors put in this morning. WOOHOO, we are exciting people, I tell you. They look great and really seem to make the living room look bigger. We'll see if it still seems big once we get our new curtains up, whenever that will be.

Noah is almost 20 months and wonderful as ever. He just loves being outside to run and play. He is saying more and more words, though still not loads of them. He really loves to having conversations and is so animated, we just don't have a clue what he is saying.

The hot muggy season has arrived. Our pool is open in the afternoons now, but won't be open all day until midway through the month. Let me tell you, that is not coming soon enough. Noah and I are so ready to lounge by the pool and sit in cold water all day. Soon enough, I guess. I can't wait to see how he'll do at the pool and beach this year. He loved the pool last year and the beach grew on him by the end of the summer.

That's right, Noah is going to be a big brother. He has a little sister or brother coming in mid December. We had our first ultrasound yesterday and everything looked great with bambino number 2.

Hope everyone is doing well and you all are enjoying the beginning of summer. :)