Monday, July 27, 2009

My cute kid

We're having a bit of a rough start this morning. Noah's tongue seems to be hurting him, not sure why, but it is. He is just a little cranky and mommy hasn't had coffee yet.

So, he has been munching on strawberries this morning. He likes to pick out his own...make sure he gets the best pick. Well, he just decided he wanted the entire container. Uh, ok, sure?!? He carries it into the living room and proceeds to fill his snack cup with strawberries, then turns and gives the container back to me. I guess getting two at a time just wasn't cutting it for him.

How he is happily munching on his fruit, while catching up with a little Curious George. I love this kid.

Other updates, Baby Girl is doing good, starting to make her movements a little more known. Can you believe that I am already 1/2 way through this pregnancy? Time is flying so far...I guess that is a good thing as well as a scary thing. HA

Hope all is well!