Monday, December 8, 2008

December, really?

Oh my word! Where have I been hiding? Where has time gone?

Bri was gone, Noah and I stayed busy trying to make time fly. Thanksgiving came and went. I know the older you get and once you start having babies, the faster time goes, but this is just crazy! I can't keep up. Maybe it would help if we had a napper of a son. ha ha

So, Brian came home from his trip. Noah would kiss his picture while he was gone and toward the end of his trip, you could really tell Noah was missing his daddy. He would try and get as much attention from men around him as possible. He needed extra hugs from Grandpa. When we picked Bri up, Noah gave him a look for a minute (he was super tired and in the back seat) and then smiled. Noah just listened to us talking the whole drive home and once we walked into the house, Noah would not let Brian put him down or go far from his sight. That just made Bri's heart swell. Mine too. For days all Noah wanted was Daddy. It really was wonderful.

We spent Thanksgiving in MD. We all enjoyed eating all the fattening foods and just being full and happy. I am still dreaming of Jen's sweet potato casserole. So guilty and delicious. Andy taught Noah how to use the heavy bag and the speed bag, so then N. spent the time walking up to the heavy bag, hitting it and yelling "boom. boom". That didn't get old, I know Andy can't wait until Noah actually knows what he is doing and can teach him all his martial arts moves. Andy also taught Bri how to ride a motorcycle. They went for a ride together through the neighborhood in the freezing cold weather. Boys and their toys....

Our friends Jason and Hannah have a new pooch, Reba, so Hondo finally got to meet her. Hopefully their meeting will help Hondo remember that Jason and Hannah are our friends. You'd think after seeing them at least once a week for the past 6 months he would get that, but, this is my wonderful Hondo Bondo we are talking about. ha. Poor guys is just so nervous.

Sorry to break it to you all, but no pictures this time. I promise to get them up in a few days. But right now, I want to sit back and enjoy watching A Charlie Brown Christmas :-)

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