Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I hope you were all blessed with a wonderful Christmas spent with your family and friends. We've had a few whirlwind weeks, but isn't that what the holidays are all about? We are now trying to have a few lazy-ish days, catch up on the extra laundry pile and get back at it. Celebrating the birth of Jesus is all worth a little extra mess around the house.

Noah has finally cut those pesky molars that have been taunting him. Well, at least 2 of them, one is still just under the surface and the 4th still seems a few weeks off. I am so glad they finally popped through. Poor guy was having a rough couple of weeks with those puppies sitting there. He is an adventurous little boy and always into something. He loves to test Brian and me....look at something, get the "no thank you" from us and then go to grab it. Always testing the limits. Phones are by far the most awesome toy ever and I have no clue why we buy him anything else. Of course, it is not a working device, he wants nothing to do with it. I swear, he knows when I give him the cordless phone with a dead battery. At the moment, our old cell phones that still beep seem to be working, I know only a matter of time before he figures that trick out. HA HA HA

Brian has been off of work for the past week and will be home for the next week as well. It is great having him home during the day. I love sitting back and watching him play with Noah. And of course Noah just can't get enough of his daddy...those two are two peas in a pod. And to much disappointment, Brian has passed on his pacing ways to Noah. When he is "talking" on his phone, he walks back and forth on the hearth. Oh. My. I don't like the pacing trend and I am surrounded by pacers.

We had a wonderful Christmas. Noah actually slept in a little bit so I guess that was his gift to Brian and me. He played with his gifts from Brian, Santa and me and then we were off on our way of visiting family. Mom had a wonderful breakfast for us, then we went to Memaw and Pepaw's for lunch. Unfortunately, Memaw wasn't feeling well, so she wasn't able to make it downstairs with everyone. We just want her feeling better and are praying hard for her. After we opened gifts at Meeps and Peeps, we went up to say goodbye to them. Memaw was having her nebulizer treatment and Pepaw was sitting next to her on the bed just holding her hand. It is hard to explain how powerful that was to me. I know they love each other dearly, but seeing them holding hands like that was just wonderful. Fifty-two years of marriage and still holding hands, such a simply gesture to show your support, love and feelings.

Tomorrow, we are off to Maryland for a quick trip to celebrate Christmas and Patty's birthday. Brian's Grandma really needs some prayers too. So, please remember to add her to your prayers please.

Wishing you all a Happy New Year and may 2009 be filled with much joy and happiness. Much love!

Checking out his loot from Santa

Christmas Eve dinner

Enjoying his quad from Uncle Jason and Aunt Hannah

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