Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Need to get back in the swing of things

Says the woman that is about to have a baby. HA HA HA

So, here we are, less than two weeks away from Baby Girl's due date. Tonight is a full moon and as much as I would love the full moon to get me into labor, I have a funny feeling this baby is going to keep cooking for a long time yet. I guess she'll have to come out eventually, but I think she is enjoying herself, taking up all of my breathing room.

Noah, my wonderful boy, he is doing wonderfully. He is day time potty trained, though he does need a little reminder sometimes if he is playing too much. I'm not concerned about working on night time right now, we'll get there soon enough. He has new tricks to make us laugh everyday. His new one is plugging his ears with his fingers, pretending he cannot hear us. I have no idea where he picked it up, but it is hilarious.

We have been trying to give Noah the idea that he has a baby sister on the way. I know it will still be a huge shocker to his system when she gets here, but we are trying to do all we can to give him the idea. Now that he is sleeping in his big boy bed, and the crib is ready for Baby Girl, he'll point to it and say "tister". I love it. We ask him where baby sister is and he'll point to my belly, and sometimes his own. ha.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Patty came down to spend the holiday with us. It was a great holiday and we have so many things to be thankful for. On Thanksgiving evening, Mom brought over our tree and we got it up and decorated. Noah loves the lights, as he has every year, and this year he has discovered the ball ornaments. He loves them. And tells them "hello" every morning when we come down.

I'll leave it here for now. You'll have a fresh post of baby stats on my next entry.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Oh my goodness

Where have we been? I have been terrible with this blog. I swear, I need to start writing it in on the calendar and then maybe I'll get somewhere. maybe...

So, what have we been up to for the past two months? Well, I've been growing. Baby Girl is growing great and she moves soooooo much more than Noah did when he was cooking. I'm a bit nervous that it may be a sign of what is to come. Time will tell, I am 29 weeks now so in just a few quick months we'll know what she is all about. We can't wait, but oh goodness, I've got some things to get done.

Brian has been busy working and working and skateboarding. He bought a board in August and has been having fun with it when he gets a chance. It is great to see him have fun with it, not so great to see him come home with a few scraped shins.

Noah, my little man, has been doing fantastic. His vocabulary is just growing like crazy. We still have plenty of words that I have yet to figure out. Hopefully some of them will click with me soon, it might make life a little easier. We started full on potty training last week and so far, he is doing fantastic!!! I hope he'll keep it up for us, he sure is loving getting stickers for his potty chart when he pees in the potty.

In August, we had to put our wonderful pooch down. It was the most difficult decision for Brian and me, but we know Hondo is in a wonderful place and is finally free and relaxing. We miss him crazy around here.

Right after we put Hondo down, we left town for a week. Strange as it may sound, the timing worked out great and made the transition a lot easier for us. We are able to relax at the beach and while we missed Hondo, it wasn't somewhere he would have been anyway. You could tell Brian and I started thinking about it on the drive home. The closer we got, the quieter we got. Just a big empty place in the house.

What else has been happening? I'm sure loads, but it is hard to try and put 2 months into one quick blog post. Hence that needed to put it on the calendar for once a week ;-) I guess we've seen LOTS of Curious George and have played tons. Lots of time outside when it wasn't raining or crazy hot out. Now we are just getting ready for fall. I am so ready for some pumpkins and the smell of all things fall.

Monday, July 27, 2009

My cute kid

We're having a bit of a rough start this morning. Noah's tongue seems to be hurting him, not sure why, but it is. He is just a little cranky and mommy hasn't had coffee yet.

So, he has been munching on strawberries this morning. He likes to pick out his own...make sure he gets the best pick. Well, he just decided he wanted the entire container. Uh, ok, sure?!? He carries it into the living room and proceeds to fill his snack cup with strawberries, then turns and gives the container back to me. I guess getting two at a time just wasn't cutting it for him.

How he is happily munching on his fruit, while catching up with a little Curious George. I love this kid.

Other updates, Baby Girl is doing good, starting to make her movements a little more known. Can you believe that I am already 1/2 way through this pregnancy? Time is flying so far...I guess that is a good thing as well as a scary thing. HA

Hope all is well!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How time flies

Hi Ladies and Gents!

I am really trying to keep up with this more, but I keep slacking. BOO! Not always as easy with a toddler that loves to run and hates to nap.

Everything around here is going great. We had the excitement of having new sliding doors put in this morning. WOOHOO, we are exciting people, I tell you. They look great and really seem to make the living room look bigger. We'll see if it still seems big once we get our new curtains up, whenever that will be.

Noah is almost 20 months and wonderful as ever. He just loves being outside to run and play. He is saying more and more words, though still not loads of them. He really loves to having conversations and is so animated, we just don't have a clue what he is saying.

The hot muggy season has arrived. Our pool is open in the afternoons now, but won't be open all day until midway through the month. Let me tell you, that is not coming soon enough. Noah and I are so ready to lounge by the pool and sit in cold water all day. Soon enough, I guess. I can't wait to see how he'll do at the pool and beach this year. He loved the pool last year and the beach grew on him by the end of the summer.

That's right, Noah is going to be a big brother. He has a little sister or brother coming in mid December. We had our first ultrasound yesterday and everything looked great with bambino number 2.

Hope everyone is doing well and you all are enjoying the beginning of summer. :)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pee pee in the potty!!!

What a big day today! Noah went peeps in the potty twice today!! Woo Hoo!
Ok, ok, I know a lot of it was just plain luck of getting him naked and having the potty in the right place, but hey, he peed in the potty! He was so proud of himself and he gave me a HUGE "high five" afterward. Super cute.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hello, Larkin's, are you there?

Yes, yes we are. I'm just being a very bad blogger. I keep thinking about updating, but then my short attention span is onto something new. So here I am, feeling very guilty and ready to update everyone with the happenings of the past 2 months.

Can you believe Noah is just a little over a week from being 18 months old? Holy cow! My little Bear is 18 months old. He is the perfect example of a toddler, getting into everything, learning something new and fascinating every day and keeping Bri and I on our toes. Every day we have something new to laugh at. Tonight, it was Noah attempting to pull his diaper off while Bri was cooking, but all he really did was give himself a nice little plumber's crack. Classic.

Hondo is his constant jungle gym. Noah uses him as a step stool to jump onto the couch and chairs. Hondo doesn't mind at all and when he is done playing with Noah, he just walks away. Good pooch loves him some Noah. Now, the cats on the other hand are not huge fans of Noah. The run at the site of him. Maybe because Noah thinks they are awesome pillows.

I've been on a knitting break for the past few weeks and a reading binge. I started reading the Twilight Saga and I was not able to put the books down until I read all four. I know they are meant for teenagers, but I really loved them and I think everyone should read them. Adult, teen, whatever. So, here is my PSA....if you haven't read Twilight, go out and get it. You'll love it :-) Now maybe I can pick my knitting back up. Of course, only for a short time until I am ready to read the saga a few weeks. Told you, addicted!

I would like to thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers from Grandma Larkin. She lived a long life and was blessed to have 4 strong sons, 6 grandsons and 2 great-grandchildren. We all have our special fond memories to carry with us.

I do promise that I will update sooner. I have to, since I'm not adding any pictures to this post.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

We're still here!

Yes, I've been a bit of a slacker for the last month and some change....ok, maybe a little longer than that.
Here I am ready to update, it might be a short one though, I am trying to speed through it while Noah is napping. Poor guy is not feeling well and is keeping me a bit busy this week. I just want to take all his hurt away.
So what has happened over the last month? Well, Noah is getting faster, decided he didn't like the gate between the dining room and kitchen, so he got rid of it (story to follow), Brian has been here, there and everywhere, I have gotten faster at knitting and I am actually in the middle of finally making something for myself! I think that is a pretty good basic idea of what is going on.

The gate. Noah liked to kind of hang on the gate and play. We knew it would be a matter of time before it would fall. Well, last week Noah and Gate decided they had enough of each other and Gate fell on Noah. Poor guy, it was a rough one. And I felt terrible since I was in the middle of cooking and missed what was going on until I heard the crash. Noah seems much happier now that it is gone. He has an extra 10 feet to run and well, lets be honest, that is a lot in this house. So far he is pretty good at staying out of the dog and cat food, so as long as he keeps that up, we might just remain gateless.

One morning last week, Noah did the sweetest thing when he woke up. I was rocking him and we were getting our cuddle time in before his feet hit the floor and he was running for the day. I asked him for a Good Morning kiss and he kissed me and then pat my head. I always pat his head and push his hair back after I kiss him. It was so sweet. I had to put it in the baby book, I can't forget these sweet moments.

we had a beautiful day yesterday, so we walked to the park and played for a bit. I'm glad we went, because today it is in the 30s and is overcast and a bit rainy outside. What a change, 60s one day, 30s the next. And I wonder why Noah is sick....

Hope everyone is doing well. Please send up a prayer for me Memaw and Brian's Grandma.