Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Need to get back in the swing of things

Says the woman that is about to have a baby. HA HA HA

So, here we are, less than two weeks away from Baby Girl's due date. Tonight is a full moon and as much as I would love the full moon to get me into labor, I have a funny feeling this baby is going to keep cooking for a long time yet. I guess she'll have to come out eventually, but I think she is enjoying herself, taking up all of my breathing room.

Noah, my wonderful boy, he is doing wonderfully. He is day time potty trained, though he does need a little reminder sometimes if he is playing too much. I'm not concerned about working on night time right now, we'll get there soon enough. He has new tricks to make us laugh everyday. His new one is plugging his ears with his fingers, pretending he cannot hear us. I have no idea where he picked it up, but it is hilarious.

We have been trying to give Noah the idea that he has a baby sister on the way. I know it will still be a huge shocker to his system when she gets here, but we are trying to do all we can to give him the idea. Now that he is sleeping in his big boy bed, and the crib is ready for Baby Girl, he'll point to it and say "tister". I love it. We ask him where baby sister is and he'll point to my belly, and sometimes his own. ha.

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Patty came down to spend the holiday with us. It was a great holiday and we have so many things to be thankful for. On Thanksgiving evening, Mom brought over our tree and we got it up and decorated. Noah loves the lights, as he has every year, and this year he has discovered the ball ornaments. He loves them. And tells them "hello" every morning when we come down.

I'll leave it here for now. You'll have a fresh post of baby stats on my next entry.

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