Monday, September 28, 2009

Oh my goodness

Where have we been? I have been terrible with this blog. I swear, I need to start writing it in on the calendar and then maybe I'll get somewhere. maybe...

So, what have we been up to for the past two months? Well, I've been growing. Baby Girl is growing great and she moves soooooo much more than Noah did when he was cooking. I'm a bit nervous that it may be a sign of what is to come. Time will tell, I am 29 weeks now so in just a few quick months we'll know what she is all about. We can't wait, but oh goodness, I've got some things to get done.

Brian has been busy working and working and skateboarding. He bought a board in August and has been having fun with it when he gets a chance. It is great to see him have fun with it, not so great to see him come home with a few scraped shins.

Noah, my little man, has been doing fantastic. His vocabulary is just growing like crazy. We still have plenty of words that I have yet to figure out. Hopefully some of them will click with me soon, it might make life a little easier. We started full on potty training last week and so far, he is doing fantastic!!! I hope he'll keep it up for us, he sure is loving getting stickers for his potty chart when he pees in the potty.

In August, we had to put our wonderful pooch down. It was the most difficult decision for Brian and me, but we know Hondo is in a wonderful place and is finally free and relaxing. We miss him crazy around here.

Right after we put Hondo down, we left town for a week. Strange as it may sound, the timing worked out great and made the transition a lot easier for us. We are able to relax at the beach and while we missed Hondo, it wasn't somewhere he would have been anyway. You could tell Brian and I started thinking about it on the drive home. The closer we got, the quieter we got. Just a big empty place in the house.

What else has been happening? I'm sure loads, but it is hard to try and put 2 months into one quick blog post. Hence that needed to put it on the calendar for once a week ;-) I guess we've seen LOTS of Curious George and have played tons. Lots of time outside when it wasn't raining or crazy hot out. Now we are just getting ready for fall. I am so ready for some pumpkins and the smell of all things fall.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Hi April-
It's Vanessa from WovenFriendships.

I was just thinking about you today and wondering how you were. I can't believe your little guy's so big! Congrats on the baby girl. It's sooooo much fun to dress them. :)

Hope you're doing well. Life can be crazy when you're pregnant with a toddler.

thestitcherbee @