Thursday, February 25, 2010

Living the sweet life

What is better than this? Nothing. Period. Nothing beats being a mommy to the two most wonderful kids. Now, I know everyone says that and everyone thinks they have the best kids, that doesn't really matter. Mine are the best to me.

Right now, Mia is napping away in her swing. She looks so gloriously peaceful. I want this to last forever. Sure, I want her to grow up and thrive and live an amazing life, but I also want her to remain this perfect, beautiful, tiny baby that loves to spend the day in my arms and nursing. I keep staring at her, to burn this moment into my memory. It may seem small, just a kid sleeping peacefully, but it really is so much more. And there are no words for it. I'm sure every mother out there knows what I am talking about.

Right now, Noah is hanging at Nay Nay's house. He had a sleep over last night and I know he had a blast. My precious, kind, sweet toddler boy just called to say hi to me. No, the conversation didn't last long because he then found his movie and decided it was time to "watch Ibles" (translation The Incredibles). But, as he was getting off the phone, along with saying 'Goodbye' and "have a good day" like he always does, I got a "Wuv you too", which I don't always get, and something about Mia. Not sure what it was, but my sweet guy was missing his little sis. So, I told him I'd give her a hug and kiss for him. That was all he needed to hear. I want him to always be my perfect little guy. I promise to remember this post tomorrow when he is breaking the rules and looking for a time out.

Right now, I can see my babies growing before my eyes. I can imagine Noah's first day of school, with the thrill in his eyes. I only hope that he'll miss me just a little when he goes. I can imagine my beautiful girl running up to me with her big curly pig tails and I can hear her giggles. I can imagine them both grown up, and I know it will be here in just a few more blinks of the eye.

It still amazes me, the love I have for these 2 little people. You always hear growing up, that you have no idea how much your parents love you. It is so true. You never get it until you are a parent yourself. I cherish every moment I have with them.

For now, I have to go. Mia just opened her eyes and I need to get all the snuggles I can while she will allow it. And when Noah comes home this afternoon, he is going to be forced to sit and let mommy hug him for a good long while.

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