Wednesday, February 10, 2010

She's here!

And has been...for almost two months. Feeling a bit like a bad mommy for not updating sooner. Our beautiful Mia is here! She made her grand entrance with the help of an induction on Dec 19th. I think she would still be cooking if she wasn't forced out. HA! I had a wonderful VBAC and a great team of doctors and nurses helping ensure that she arrived safely.

So, for the past almost two months, we've been busy making adjustments at home. Learning what life with a newborn is like again, getting a new routine and just loving all the moments. Noah is an awesome big brother. He took his time getting to know Mia, but once he asked to hold her (after nearly a week), we knew he would adjust fine. He loves to watch Mia and check her out. Always helping give her back her pacifier if she looses it, lets us know "ewww, baby poop" and for the most part is very gentle with her. Mia is now watching Noah all the time. He seems to have quite the fan.

This weekend, Mia will be going on her first trip out of town, to visit Gramps in MD. I'm sure she is thrilled....and I know Noah is. Nothing like a trip to the grandparents house for breaking all the rules and getting away with everything. Our kiddos are blessed with many grandparents and get plenty spoiled by them all.

We've had more than enough snow to my liking over the past two weeks. Noah hated it the first day, but seemed to like it the next day he played in it. He just made Bri make the snowballs for him, he wouldn't touch the snow on his own. Mia, well Mia went out long enough for a picture and I think that was more than enough for her. The cold in her face had her gasping to breath...poor thing. What we put our kids through for a photo op.

Here are some attempt at getting a picture of both kids at once...not so easy, Noah meeting Mia and a brand new Mia

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