Sunday, August 24, 2008

Lazy Sunday

Everyone in the house is having one of those 'let's just sit around and sit like a blob' kind of days. Nice to have every now and then. I could go for a nap about now, but we all know the likelihood of that happening is not so great. When Noah naps, I never seem to be able to settle my brain enough to finally crash and fall asleep.

Anyway, back on track. We did check out a new church today that I really liked. We went for a contemporary service and Noah LOVED the music. He would sing a little when the band played and make expressions when it stopped like he was wanting it to come back. Really cute. I think we will check it out again next week. I really want a church on our side of the water to call home.

We are going to try and spend as much time as possible at the pool this week. Our last week for this summer. How can summer be ending already? Didn't it just begin? *sigh* I guess that is what happens when you have children, you really begin to realize how fast time does go. Noah adores going to the pool. He will squeal with delight once we get in the gate and he sees where we are. At first he will just hang out while I pull him through the water and after time, he begins to splash like crazy. Nothing better then getting mom soaked.

Bri and I are in full swing trying to plan a birthday party. I want to cry every time I think about it. There is no way that my baby could possibly be getting ready to turn one. No way....he was just born. I know, it is so cliche', but it is what it is. Man, I keep getting off track today (I know, nothing new). So, we are blessed to have a large family, so planning bday parties will be interesting. Trying to figure where you are going to have a party for so many people...all works out and we borrow Mom's house ;-)

Ok, well, I think I am going to join my family and sit in the laziness. Have a great week!

Noah and I at the zoo. A great shot thanks to my CAB Kelly

crawling around at the zoo in the nice shade we found

The lone 10 month shot that came out decent (a little late)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Nothing much to say today. Just that I love sitting and watching my baby explore the world and learn to do new things. I cannot believe he is creeping up on being one year old. These precious moments are flying by way too fast. I'm off to go and play in the floor.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Bye-bye sand and sun

we had a great week at the beach! It was so great to come home and sleep in my own bed though....a week in a twin bed, not so fun. HA! Noah slept ok, not the best, but he started to get back into his routine toward the end of the week. He did nap great though, I guess I would too if I got to crawl all over a brand new place with plenty to discover.

The water was great...warm all week and didn't even get choppy until the end of the week. Perfect for taking Noah into the ocean. Brian was able to be down with us for a couple of days. It is always great when he is able to take leave and join us. Noah had fun playing with Daddy and crawling on the Daddy jungle gym. He was so happy to see his daddy when we got home, smiles ear to ear and just about jumped out of my arms to get to him. That is what it is all about, talk about making your heart melt.

We had some company while we were gone. Hannah came down to visit with us for a day, we had a blast. We went for a wine run and came back with loads of wine as well as tons of food to munch on. We got plenty of strange looks from the family. The next day, Kelly, Tanner, Jenoa and Ava came to visit. More fun and Noah got to play with his buddies too.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Learning how to tantrum

I think the title says it all! Noah has discovered that he can have little tantrums. Nothing terrible, but boy do you know it when he is not happy these days. That high pitched scream. It is terrible, but I do find it hard not to laugh. And then, there are the moments when I have no idea what the screaming is about and have to just about give up. I love it!!!

These days have gotten interesting when we (bri or I) snack during the day. Gone are the days of Noah semi-fussing from across the room while we ate our snack. Now he sees us walk in the room with something and it is like he turns on the turbo crawl. He is across the room in no time at all. It cracks me up, snack for me = taking cheerios or puffs for Noah too.

Our interesting set up of the coffee table and excersaucer blocking the TV stand is about to come to an end. Noah is underneath the saucer at least once a day and soon he'll be doing the same with the coffee table. *sigh* Time to figure out another method of blocking.

We are heading to the beach tomorrow! Woo Hoo! Nothing like soaking up some sun and being a beach bum for the week. Bri is only going to be able to come down with us for a day, but we'll take what we can get :-)

Until next time...