Monday, August 11, 2008

Bye-bye sand and sun

we had a great week at the beach! It was so great to come home and sleep in my own bed though....a week in a twin bed, not so fun. HA! Noah slept ok, not the best, but he started to get back into his routine toward the end of the week. He did nap great though, I guess I would too if I got to crawl all over a brand new place with plenty to discover.

The water was great...warm all week and didn't even get choppy until the end of the week. Perfect for taking Noah into the ocean. Brian was able to be down with us for a couple of days. It is always great when he is able to take leave and join us. Noah had fun playing with Daddy and crawling on the Daddy jungle gym. He was so happy to see his daddy when we got home, smiles ear to ear and just about jumped out of my arms to get to him. That is what it is all about, talk about making your heart melt.

We had some company while we were gone. Hannah came down to visit with us for a day, we had a blast. We went for a wine run and came back with loads of wine as well as tons of food to munch on. We got plenty of strange looks from the family. The next day, Kelly, Tanner, Jenoa and Ava came to visit. More fun and Noah got to play with his buddies too.

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