Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Noah!

One whole year. 366 (leap year) days. 52 weeks. Where has the time gone?

Our baby boy is 1 today! Happy Birthday Noah, Mommy and Daddy love you so much. You bring so much light to our lives and we are so blessed. We thank God every day for bringing you to us.

I always knew I wanted to be a mom. I never got the cliche' "you won't understand until your a mom". How true that cliche' is. When Brian and I found out I was pregnant, we burst at the seams with joy. That joy was nothing compared to what we would feel when we finally met our baby boy. A tiny baby, with perfect fingers and toes, beautiful gray/blue eyes, perfectly pursed lips and ears as funny looking as Daddy's. How your world can change. Those first moments, still in a bit of shock. We were parents.

Brian was able to have a good hour or so with Noah before I was able to see him again. The pictures I have of him in those moments are so precious. I will admit, I was quite jealous that Brian got to spend all that time with him, discovering him, before I was back from my c-section. My time came though. Brian was such the perfect dad, he wouldn't let anyone else hold Noah until I was able to, so thoughtful. He was there when Noah got his first shots, his bath and footprints.

Once I was finally able to hold my baby and nurse him, I knew. I got the cliche'. I was blessed, life would never be the same. This tiny 7lb 9oz baby was my light, what I was supposed to care for. God entrusted him to us. So, as I sat there, soaking in every wrinkle, wondering where the long fingers came from, the world around me could have stopped, I my love for him made my heart swell.

The first night brought a few issues with nursing; Noah didn't want to wake up to nurse; but we made it through. Brian was up all night with me, trying to get Noah to latch on, both of us eager to have him get it down. A year later, it is almost funny that we were so scared that first night. Noah is such a booby baby and loves his mommy milk. We were so determined to make nursing work, in my mind, there was no other way.

Here we are, 1 year later and I can hardly believe it. He is growing so fast. He is such an amazing little boy, full of such joy and has so much love to share. He has taught me so much about loving and trusting. He is so precious and I cannot wait to see what this next year will bring, I just hope it goes slower.

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