Monday, October 13, 2008

We have a walker!

Ladies and Gents, Noah is walking! For a few weeks, we could get him to take one or two steps before he would crash and burn (well, start crawling). We started to leave him alone and let him move at his own pace, he wasn't too fond of B and I picking him up and trying to get him to stand and walk all the time, well starting last week, he would take 1-2 on his own and as of last night, he is taking sequences of steps all by himself!!! It is so awesome to watch and I know we are in big trouble now. Unless he is in a hurry, he already seems to prefer walking. I'll try and catch a video of it for you all soon.

We had Noah's birthday party Saturday, what a great time! Noah did wonderfully, especially considering how tired he was and how many people wanted to see him. We've got quite the little trooper. He was blessed with lots of new toys to fill our home, I'm sure he'll be busy discovering them all for at least a week before he is back wanting to play in the tupperware. HA!

We had a wonderful day with beautiful weather. I am guessing we had about 40-45 people at Mom's for the occasion, many from out of town. We are very blessed to have such wonderful family and friends.

After the party, Brian's brother and sister in law stayed with us for the night. Noah and our niece got to have lots of playtime the next morning, I just love seeing the two of them together. I hope we'll be able to get them together more often.

I'll wrap up with a hilarious video of Noah laughing at Hondo

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