Friday, October 3, 2008

Thinking back

A year ago today, I was wishing my water would break, contractions would start or something would happen so I could meet the little boy I was carrying. A year ago?!?! 366 days. Noah had other plans, he didn't want to arrive on his due date ;-)

We are 5 days away from his birthday and I am a big mess. It is kind of hard to explain. Guess it is the craziness in me. I am thrilled that he is getting to be such a big boy, but sad that it is going so fast. I know how precious these moments are with my little boy and I just don't want them to go away. If I take one more breath, he is going to be 18 and graduating from high school, two and he'll be living on his own and my gosh any more than that, he'll be married with babies of his own. Ok, maybe I am exaggerating a little bit, but time really is flying and I want to soak every minute with him.

Birthday party plans are coming together. It is going to be a great day! Send me your good vibes for the next week, I'll need them to get by.

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